I’m really pleased to announce my guest blogger, Ellen D. Begley, RN, NCC, LPPC of Sixty Second Parent. Ellen’s blog, “Parents and Apologies,” helps us understand why it’s important to apologize to our children when we’ve been wrong, overreacted or have been unreasonable. Sometimes we hesitate because we don’t want to weaken our authority. Or perhaps, we’re ashamed and don’t want to admit it. Or maybe we believe that it will be forgotten and we won’t have to do anything. But whatever the reason for our hesitation, we need to think twice about not apologizing. I believe not owning up to our mistakes makes things worse, not better. Can’t we all remember childhood hurts that still feel vivid? They stick with us because they angered us and seemed unfair. What was needed in those situations is exactly what Ellen talks about, sincere apology and restoring trust in the parent-child relationship.
Parents and Apologies
It is a special strength of a self-confident parent to admit
mistakes, and the acknowledgment of occasional shortcomings affirms our
humanity to our children. Genuinely
admitting our lack of perfection allows our children to understand that the
standard for proper behavior is not error-free living, but rather learning to live
responsibly in community with others. Many
people will use the term “sorry” loosely; but when you are wrong or have
wronged another, genuinely saying “I’m sorry” is hard work. Parents are the most important role models
for their children. Consequently, admitting
mistakes and apologizing are behaviors that need to be modeled.
We are not perfect!!!
It is OK to be human. We were not
meant to be perfect; and if we appear to be perfect to our children, we instill
in them a tremendous pressure to strive for an unreasonable and impossible
standard. Alternatively, when we insist
that we are right, and our children know that we are not, we lose trust and
respect. Apologizing for mistakes teaches
our children to accept responsibility for their behaviors and to seek reconciliation. Power struggles within families can often be
defused with a genuine apology.
When apologizing to your children:
· Be genuine.
The most important thing about apologies is the genuineness by which
they are given.
· Don’t use apologies to make your point. “I was wrong, BUT …” is no apology.
· Connect emotionally. Apologies give us the opportunity to connect
with the other person on an emotional level and therefore must be given in the
right context. If you are feeling angry
or hurt, wait until you can be tuned into your kids and open to their feelings.
· Communicate your words in an appropriate
manner. The words used are not as
important as the way in which they are stated.
The words themselves can be as simple as “I’m sorry, I was wrong”. I tell my kids that I am not a perfect parent;
nevertheless I am the parent God chose for them, and I will try to do my best
for them.
· Value the relationship. It is part of our relationship as family to
admit our wrongs, just as we celebrate with each other our gifts and successes.
Remember that our forgiveness in response to our child’s
apology, the other side of this “coin”, is an equally important behavior to
model to our children.
By Ellen D. Begley, RN, NCC, LPC for www.sixtysecondparent.com - Ellen
is a registered nurse as well as a licensed and national board certified
counselor. She has a private practice that serves children ages 2 to 18 and has
over 18 years of experience counseling children and educating parents.